19. mai 2009

Sitat fra Bruce Dixon på "Fremtidens lärande"

Bruce Dixon is the founder and president of the Anywhere, Anytime Learning Foundation and consults to schools, School Districts, Education Departments, Ministries of Education as well as technology companies such as Microsoft, hp-Compaq, Apple, Bertelsmann and Toshiba on 1-to-1 and technology in education. Bruce has more than 25 years experience working with schools and technology, as a teacher, Principal, software developer, undergraduate college lecturer, and then in 1987 with a partner he established an educational technology company, Computelec. As a national company of more than 90 staff, the company were fundamental to the establishment and growth of laptop programs in more than 80 schools across 3 states, before he sold it in the mid-nineties to focus on consulting. Since 1995 he has worked extensively in North America, and was in part responsible for developing the one-to-one program there, through the Anytime Anywhere Learning initiative. He consults to schools, School Districts, Education Departments, Ministries of Education as well as technology companies such as Microsoft, hp-Compaq, Apple, Bertelsmann and Toshiba. Over the past 3 years, Bruce has consulted in the US, Australia, Canada, Germany, UK and New Zealand, and has been invited to speak at Conferences in Korea, Thailand, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan, Phillipines, Japan, South Africa, United Kingdom, as well as Australia and several North American states.
Source: http://www.computelec.com.au/schooltech2007/presenters/schooltech/default.aspx

Tenk på hvike konversasjoner vi MÅ ha i vårt kolleger, og våre skolesystemer!
Co-founder og Anytime Anywhere

How can we best describe 21st century learner - 30 sec mingle on this.
And We are!

re oecd: education must learn non-routine tasks

Parents does not know how to measure if the computer is effective as a tool. That is why we need accountability.(ansvarliggjøring, responsibility)

In the 2000's there where schools who thougt that if they sent teachers to courses, all of a sudden they would like to use computers in their classes.

Teknikutvecklingen skapar helt andra möjligheter än tidigare för individualisering och anpassning till olika lärstilar

Collaboration - her ligger fremtiden! Vi gjør lite idag, mange ser på det som juksing. I blokkerer ofte delings- og sosiale sider!

"Læring kan skje når som helst, hvor som helst, pga IKT-revoulusjonen vi har hatt!"

Professor Levin i fysikk er et forbilde!

Florida Virtual High School skapades för 500 studerande. Idag har man mer än 100 000!

Mange elever idag faller av når vi i skolen går ifra konkreter til abstrakter, HER kan pc'n hjelpe oss.

Elearning er mye mer enn vi forestiller oss, vi må vokne opp, og se disse mulighetene.

In you ur schools, do you see a change; Fundamental change or Incremental improvement(small changes)

Teknologi kan brukes til å bevare eller supportere!

Alle vi må vise til våre kolleger hvordan IT kan brukes til å fremme læring!!!

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